Regardless of age or experience, looking within and working to focus on growth and acceptance of the self is a recipe for happiness and joy in life. Outpatient individual treatment is a process in which … Continued
Family Therapy
Family can be the glue that holds us together. Family can be the very thing that makes us feel on edge. Here at New Directions we appreciate and respect all types of families. We look … Continued
Child / Play Therapy
Children ages 3-10 benefit most from play therapy versus traditional “talk therapy” as they can more effectively process through difficult situations and emotions using play. Children learn to communicate with others, express feelings, develop problem-solving … Continued
Adolescents today face challenges that are unlike anything that teens of previous generations have ever had to manage. Teenagers, as is developmentally appropriate, are cultivating more elaborate emotional and social processes. At times, these changes … Continued
Couples Counseling
When you feel disconnected or far away from the person you love, it is easy to lose hope. It is easy to allow yourself to become consumed with resentment or just to give up on … Continued
New Directions offers periodic, time limited groups and workshops for children, teens and adults looking to improve executive functioning skills including attention, impulse control, planning, and organization. Groups offered in the past have included groups … Continued
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a neurobiological approach to treating trauma. It honors the understanding that trauma is most effectively treated by processing a trauma experience while intentionally activating the brain using … Continued
New Directions offers a variety of workshops for clinicians, clients, and the community. Our staff has provided workshops for continuing education for agencies, school, and professional groups as well. Workshops provided within the last year … Continued
EAP Services
Employee Assistance Program Services, (EAP) provide free, confidential counseling to employees and immediate family members of companies and organizations who have contracted with us. EAP services are typically for short-term counseling. As a health benefit … Continued
Emergency Services
Once established as a client here at New Directions, you will have access to our emergency services. This service is only to be used by active clients in situations where they feel their immediate safety … Continued
New Directions offers professional and student supervision to social workers, psychologists, and graduate level mental health students respectively. Our supervisors are committed to assisting in cultivating the skills and practice of clinicians in all stages … Continued